Arkflaw is a government aided organization founded by Mr. Isiahi Javel, the man who helped change ARK's view of Glitches. Guided by Mr. Isiahi and the government, Glitches are given proper healthcare, education, and those stable enough can even hold jobs and contribute to society. This system has a high success rate and has been given the seal of approval by Ark’s citizens. Those infected with a minor Glitch take advantage of free healthcare. All they must consent to is monthly check-ups in order to maintain their symptoms.
Those with more serious Glitches, however, sacrifice so much more in return.
The patients lose their rights to the outside world for 1 year during their time in Tuition, a facility that helps patients understand their changes and learn to control their symptoms. If they pass and have reasonable grades, they join Arkflaw’s agencies or are given the chance to return as function humans of Ark's perfect society. If they fail, they are given the opportunity to repeat Tuition and prove that they are worthy. In the worse case, an incompetent person will be sent to prison.
The Glitches service to Arkflaw is a contract of 5 years. 5 years of their lives dedicated to the government, with little freedom. This is the price they pay for treatment. After their contract is served, they are given the chance to finally live freely. But future officers from Arkflaw will continue to observe them in case of relapse.
Here is how Arkflaw finds the patients: Arkflaw first gets notified by anonymous citizens about the patient who just used their glitch for the first time. Then, a team of highly trained professional glitches are called in to assist in making sure the citizens and the patient are safe. Once the patient is apprehended, they will be sent to Tuition.
Arkflaw has managed to produce a list of Glitch types that they use to categorize individuals with the disease. It helps the company to identify the problem and how it can help patients.
Neither categories of the glitches are stronger than the other. Both sides are equally capable of helping and harming society.
When a patient is identified with Glitch and is still capable of functioning humanly, They will be sent to Tuition to be taught how to control their glitches and how to return back to Ark's perfect Society.
Dynamis are a category of glitches that affect the user only. It does not have any effects to its surroundings. Some examples could be; "Ability to fly", "Ability to be physically stronger"
Physical or mental changes may occur when Glitch is in use.
Energeia are a category of glitches that affect the surroundings of the user. While the user stays unphased by the glitch, the surroundings get effected. Some examples would be: " Ability to make plants grow", "Ability to gravitate objects around the user".
Physical or mental changes may occur when Glitch is in use.

Tuition is a stay-in institution where patients are sent to understand their changes and learn to control their symptoms, in hopes that they can graduate and return to Ark's perfect society. The patients lose their rights to the outside world for 1 year during their time in Tuition, so that they can focus on their recovery and only that.
The institution is placed in the center of Ark, walled off away from the public and other cities. This is so that Patients do not need to worry about the outside world as they study here and people outside do not need to know what is happening inside.
The institution is like a university campus, where there are facilities for learning, training, leisure, and comfort for all patients to experience. With many highly skilled Officers helping patients recover, Tuition is built to be the perfect paradise for the one year you are in.
Tuition, however, does not let you communicate with the outside world once you're inside. There are however weekly visitations that one may sign up for if they would like to meet family and friends from the outside.
Once they graduate from Tuition, they will return to society either as functioning Ark citizens, or given the option of joining Arkflaw's many agencies.
Arkflaw Agencies
Agencies are located in different cities throughout ARK, investigating cases that have anything to do with Glitch. They also follow up with those infected with Glitch, ensuring that they are complying with medication and therapy. Each agency has its own style which contributes to the cases they acquire and the way they are settled.
VVULF Agency

ROON Agency

PHOX Agency

The VVULF agency was one of the first agencies created in the organization. They are known for their years of experience and their unique control when it comes to their style of handling missions. This agency focuses on cases that are more complex in nature than normal. Members of this agency are usually skilled and composed, priding themselves on their efficiency and discipline.
The ROON agency was one of the few agencies that observe before joining in a conversation or battle. They are known for their years of commitment and love for their city and find themselves doing small deeds for anyone who wants their help. This agency hardly leaves their city to help others, but when they do, they are a force to be reckoned with. Members of this agency are generally easy to talk to and willing to do things for their cause.
The PHOX agency is the freshest and newest of the agencies formed by Arkflaw. Being so new, this agency has a reputation for being the most reckless in terms of style, though they do take on the most cases and require more manpower to get through their missions. Despite their wild methods, those accepted to this agency are generally more intuitive and spontaneous, thinking outside of the box when faced with a tougher case.