Inside of Ark has many different cities. And in each city, it resides an Arkflaw Agency that controls safety and peace. Every City is built to be different from the other; some are more focused on political matters, others focused on lifestyle and luxury. Hence all agencies operate differently
In our story, we focus on these agencies

As the youngest agency
in Ark,
PHOX agency is led by the mysterious Nagare. Being the wildest and chaotic amongst the agencies, it wasn't long before it gained quite a reputation. They value excitement, chaos, and pure grit in every situation. Despite being a rambunctious crowd, they are tasked with cleaning up the city by apprehending low-level criminals and patrolling the streets. Their jobs are less complicated than those of the VVULF agency, but they are just as important.

As the oldest and most reputable agency in Ark,
VVULF agency is known for their years of service and expertise in the field. They take on the most complex and dangerous cases, their sense of control and justice helping them complete every mission. The agency is known for its pride and order, along with its strength. They are led by a strong woman called Hound, her glitch allowing her to cast solid shields before her. Most leaders of the newer agencies originated from the VVULF agency.
Unfortunately, the civilians have not warmed up to PHOX agency and have trouble trusting them.
Due to the agency’s reckless style of handling activities, the civilians are unsure about what to feel of this young agency. They have only been active for a year and have not been viewed well. PHOX has a long way to go for its reputation. It is hard for society to accept such an irresponsible and new group to keep their streets crime-free.
However, with its new set of recruits, things may change... for the better.. Maybe for the worst. Who can say for sure?
The citizens of Ark are grateful for the VVULF agency's prowess and trustworthiness.
They recognize their accomplishments and skills, and they sleep better knowing that such talented people are watching out for them. The agency is well respected and put on the same pedestal with the Police Department, though they are known to act more like the Mafia. Despite how stern and orderly the agency appears, the public doesn't second-guess them.
But, the management wants to change in the city's rigid view of VVULF. ...What consequences could it bring?
A highly populated city built with shopping centers and office buildings alongside various clubs and other nightlife establishments.
X is a city that never sleeps, its neon lights always keeping the streets aglow with excitement and fun. Their arcades are known to be legendary, and the citizens' style of fashion is a popular trend. Their unique streetwear has taken over the city, meaning there are plenty of places to shop for clothes. With so many people in the city, several apartment buildings are scattered around to house everyone that wishes to live life happily in City X.
The outfit style here is simple: Bright, fun but easy to move around in. Phox is famous for its colorful outfits and orange hues... As an officer in X, you must wear like them, and live life like then. Will you be able to blend in?
An old city with a rich history. Many settlers were born and raised in City Y before migrating into newer cities.
Despite how old the city is, it is incredibly advanced and modernized. Techwear is the norm in the streets, and the buildings are modern and minimalistic. While they have an abundance of new buildings, the city is filled with parks for recreational activities. Y City is a safe place for people to go discover themselves, as well as improve and build new skills.
The outfit style here is straightforward; Greyscale, Belts and tight fits. Officers outfit sense leans to techwear, where everyone is dressed for comfort and combat-ready. as a member of Vvulf, you are dressed to impress and dress to kill. Will you be able to be like the pack?
As one of the less active
Agencies until recently...
ROON agency is popular for their years of hard work and community. They are a small, tight-knit group of officers who prioritize the safety of their own city. Their leader Darling is committed to protecting everything inside their territory, but even with so much work to do, the agency still finds time to play and relax. Their strong ties to each other manifest in a family-like bond.
The city loves them.
ROONs are people pleasers that take their time to know their community and love them unconditionally. They have been doing small and big deeds for their residents so much that the public hardly ever sees them in a bad light. Despite their reputation, outside Z city, ROONs are known to be menacing. They have an aversion to cities and people outside of their territory and look at Outsiders with disdain. They only care for their people, and ONLY their people!
But with Darling and her new crew in charge, the disdain may change. How will the community act with their new queen?
Z City is a city unlike any other—perhaps due to their culture being a slap back to the past? Rising from the overall modern and futuristic structures of Arkflaw, is a city that leans towards the olden days, specifically from the '70s to the '90s.
Unlike the exciting and fun neon lights of X City or the modern and minimalistic look of Y City, Z City presents neither of these, with detailed, brick structures that give off a unique vibe. Their tones are not too bright nor too black and white, sitting in the middle with a rustic feel that pleases the eyes. Their City is littered with funky colors and interesting architecture, colorful patterns, and graffiti painted across a muted canvas.
Their outfit style can be described as comfy, colorful, and fashionable. The patterns they wear can only scream retro, and in this day and age, their fashion is a sight to see against the fun streetwear of X and the cool techwear of Y.