[ 4AM | ROON PAWSPITAL - Basement ]
As the place cleared up, a certain bluenette finally made her appearance. The place was still dark, the sun yet to rise. Thankfully, the patient was caught and returned to them before much more time passed. Her thoughts, however, lay elsewhere.
Opening the doors of the patient bay, Owner gazed towards the window, parting the living from the dead. On the other side were three different bodies, each covered in a cloth and laying on what seems to be cold steel tables.
Her gaze moves towards the VVULF Leader, Ares, who bore a grim look as he dared to reach out for them.
She commands, looking at Ares as he notices her presence.

"There are three casualties this time."
He answers, eyes focused on the three bodies. He held his breath, keeping in the rage that boiled beneath the surface.
"One casualty due to PHOENIX, while one is from VVULF. The one who caused the last student's death is unknown, but..." He stares down at the bodies of the teenagers as he reported. Just an hour ago, they were breathing, they were living ... and now they cease to exist, the flames of their light snuffed out. The Leader pursed his lips, seething with anger at the sight.

"... You mean, three casualties from PHOENIX."

The woman spoke. This, in return, made the Leader turn his head towards her in surprise. Owner simply stared at him, watching his expression turn into different shades of negativity as he processed her words.
Her lips part to speak once more, not giving him a chance to counter.
"Three innocent lives taken from Z City with no remorse." She begins, her eyes wandering back to the window, "PHOENIX is ... horrible. Heartless. They prey on the weak minded and consume the minds of the lost ..."
Ares' eyes start to widen, realizing where her words are leading to.
"If they don't want to end up like these ... victims ... standing with Arkflaw will help protect them all." Owner finished, eyes intent on him. He was still seething with anger, yet, he has come to an understanding of the situation.
What happened today was neither a win or a loss, but it was still a step towards taking PHOENIX down.
"Owner ..."
Fear of what this may be.
But the Blunette seems to not fear it, unlike him.
"Those who knew about the casualties or saw them go down, keep their mouths shut. They must not expose what truly happened. This ... is important for everyone. Especially because of the fact that the casualties are from Z City ... and the murder is from VVULF."
Mouth agape, Ares tried to speak, but found himself at a loss. And with that, Owner spoke once more.
"You know the grit and willpower of the ROONs. Your predecessor made the mistake of angering them. Do not let them repeat history. We cannot afford any distractions at this moment... The War we are fighting is bigger than anyone else's. When we are done, we will honor the dead, and pay for our crimes."
"Until then... appeasing comrades is crucial."
Ares started at that, but eventually found himself to agree. It wasn't the right solution... but it was the one they needed. Defeated, Ares' motivations change.
"Yes, Owner." He responds.
"About the Officers who... did it," Owner addresses Ares, "Suspension from duty is the lighter punishment. Distribute them accordingly to whoever's hands were tainted with blood, and be sure to make them heavily reflect on it for the sake of the future."
"And," her eyes narrowed,
"Give me their names. I must know."
"Yes, Owner." Ares obeys.
"What about the patient?" She inquires.
"He was taken in by the ROONs. Darling will be sure to have him prepared for the transfer to Tuition by tomorrow."
Owner smiles.
"Good. It's a small victory for us."
The Council Member found herself on the higher floors of the Roon Pawspital. Despite the humorous and endearing name it carried, the hospital still carried a great deal of medical supplies and had a fine staff of doctors and nurses on the job. Owner found herself pushing the doors of a large room, revealing the beloved Mayor of Z City, resting peacefully with a bandage on his head.
"Miss Owner?"
A nurse spoke, the blunette turning around to smile at her.
"Yes. I'm here for the reports."
As commanded, the nurse started to narrate. A concussion to the head at worst, but there was no loss of memory... Nothing else seemed to be dire aside from the fact that the Mayor had a case of high blood pressure.
"Overall, the Mayor's vitals are fine."
"I see..."
The nurse pursed her lips.
Owner notices she is holding something back.
"You can tell me anything, I'm here to make sure he is safe."
"Yes...! Well, we... noted that there was a needle mark on his arm. One that was not made or done by the hospital."
"I see, thank you." Owner responds, but her expression seems to say that she is unhappy with this information. She nods her head in thanks to the nurse before she dismisses them, left to mull over her own thoughts. A needle mark... No, the mayor is not the type to abuse himself. Which means the assailant...
Drew his blood?
Could it be for...
It's very possible.
But she cannot voice this out until she has more clues to solidify where it might lead to. Assumptions are dangerous, after all.
For now, Owner leaves the Hospital with tense shoulders, realizing what PHOENIX might be planning.
"Owner." A voice calls out to her.
Well. Perhaps not yet.
The Leader of ROON, Darling, stood in front of her, expression barely containing her fury. It wasn't hard for Owner to realize what she came to her for as she immediately spoke to explain the incidents that happened, and the ... repercussions that came with it.
She lets her know of the number of casualties. Of what punishment was given to those that committed part of the deed. And as she spoke, she watched the ROON Leader seethe with anger.
"You're letting the murderer go?!—"
"They will be punished with suspension—"
"YOU THINK THAT WOULD BE ENOUGH?!" The ROON screams, her voice echoing through the carpark. The fatigue and frustration from the sortie was crawling on her skin. Her voice trembled as she shook, hands curled up into a tight fist while her eyes bore holes into Owner. "Those are... those are children... They had families to go back to, you think I can just lie to their face and say that I don't know who murdered them—"
"Of course it would not be enough." Owner cuts her off, voice sharp. And in that moment, the little ROON stared at her superior in fear.
"No punishment will ever be enough for the lives lost. But if we punish them... the trust we've earned throughout the years will be lost. The hands that support us will be down."
"It wouldn't be just VVULF that will be affected, Darling. It would be everyone. There will be disorder within Z City, and it will spread once it starts. PHOX will be hated more for their sister agency's crimes—there's enough mix of opinions in PHOX already and they wouldn't hesitate to spread it to ROONs.
"VVULF... for all that their city places their trust in them, this fact could start the crack in that trust and the other cities being in a rage would only snowball it further. And when the walls are thin enough... once there's enough chaos for them to slip through... the enemy will come in and destroy whatever's left that we can protect."
"You know I'm right. This is the best move to make, right now."
Owner spoke, watching Darling's tears spill down her cheeks.
Owner's eyes softened. Gently, she reached a hand out. "We'll lose everything... and everyone will suffer. If you learn that you need to shoot someone's foot so that millions of people will be saved... I know you would do it, Darling."
An arm wraps around her shoulders, and eventually she pulls the Leader into a tight hug. It didn't take long before tears started to soak the Council Member's coat. Gently stroking her head, she calms the girl down as defeat slowly sunk within her.
"No more...!"
Darling sobs,
"I-I can't take any more deaths..."

"I know," Owner spoke softly, "and we'll do our best to make sure it'll never happen again."
She narrows her eyes, "But you need to play the cards right, Darling."
"You know how to keep a secret anyway, don't you? I know what you did for that blue one."
Darling's shaking suddenly stops as she stares at the ground, her eyes wide. What was cold rage turned into cold fear. Owner pulls away, but she avoids her eyes to hide her shock.
H...How does she know?
"We'll both pay for our crimes in the future, in due time.
Karma has its way."
"Until then, remember my words, Darling.
Bury this secret with you."
The Package is still secured.