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Upon her return from ROON, Owner sends a message to the leaders of PHOX and VVULF. 


"The culprit for the anticipated attack in Z City has been apprehended by ROON Agency," Owner wrote, "With this, I shall reveal the next phase of the plan as promised from our last conference. Please have your Officers present tomorrow for the next screening." 


A day passes. In each of their respective Agency Headquarters, PHOX and VVULF watched on as Owner spoke. ROON Agency is nowhere to be seen. 


⮞ "Dear Officers."

"With ROON's help, we are able to gather more information about the group we are up against. With that, ARKFLAW has permitted me to disclose confidential information about the group and our opponents. "


"It appears that the group uses a bird-like symbol to represent themselves, and are made out of people who detest Arkflaw's existence, from normal people, patients, and former officers who have reason to believe that Arkflaw is corrupt. "


Owner showed a screen of potential people who could be the Officer’s target.


"They are planning to come out on the 16th of May, to the ARKFLAW Prison Grounds to release Prisoner 0293, alias "PlayDate".


A screen shows Prisoner 0293 information, yet an image of the said Prisoner has not been shown.


“Under ARKFLAW's command, Prisoner 0293 has been ordered to be retrained for the rest of their life, only free to roam and be performed tests on, on its birthday. For that one day, security in the Prison Grounds is tighter. It is found, however, that the group has been making preparations to retrieve Prisoner 0293." 


“Officers will be grouped accordingly and be sent on a mission to avoid the retrieval of Prisoner 0293 from ARKFLAW Tuition Territory."


“Prisoner 0293 has a glitch that turns people into monsters when touched. The Prisoner will use any living being as their weapon if, and whenever, they can. If an Officer were to encounter them, do not, at all costs, let yourself be in contact with them." 


Owner presents a slide, showing photos from a test made 5 years ago, where they documented a small animal, a hamster, turning from its normal form into a muscular mess of flesh.


 "Currently, there is no real way of saving a person who has turned. If you were to be turned as such, your assigned partner in this mission is required to find a means to end your misery. If you encounter a monster in your mission, you are also required to end its life." 


 "PHOX and VVULF will be split into four (4) groups. One group will answer to my command with a distraction, while the other three will join the prison guards and RANK 2 officers from other agencies and monitor the area. We must not let them get to Prisoner 0293."

Owner gave a serious look to the two agencies.

“The people in this room right now are the ones your leader has chosen for the mission. The rest will stay back in their own respective Agencies in the case of a counter-distraction from the opposing group and protect their City. The Police will be helping by adding more people to patrol and tightening borders.”


“We must make sure that these... Terrorists will fail their mission. If they obtain Prisoner 0293, we will be in trouble. But if we make sure to keep them divided and their own members unable to regroup, we are to achieve success. 


With the capture of Z City's murderer, they are now aware that we are aware. The three groups who will be joining the ARKFLAW Guards will be joining in planting traps in preparation of their arrival on the night of Prisoner 0293's birthday.


Cooperate accordingly."


Owner took a moment to breathe, looking around at the sea of serious faces watching her. She opens her mouth once more.


"ROON Agency will not be joining the mission in recuperation for the recent attack. It has been approved by ARKFLAW that ROON Agency may stay back and prepare for their city solely. The rest of you, I have my faith in you.


We will make the Terrorists fail." 


And with that, Owner transfers information about the layout of Prison Grounds, each group's roles, teams and so on. The Officers memorize as much information as they can as time ticks on, and, once they are able to grasp enough, they left in preparation














One by one, each meeting room empties as Officers gradually empty until it's only the Leaders who are left.











A single phone call separates them, and as a green-haired man picks up the phone,

the blonde speaks.



"Chroma ..." The owner of the voice spoke with a tinge of nervousness, "I'm ... going to try and get my Pack to talk to ROON," Hound spoke, expression that of steel but worry is seen in her eyes. "We will need more manpower than this. I put my faith in our Officers, but I've also reason to believe we won't be enough, " She explains, "If anyone of us slip, even just by a bit, it ... might lead to their death." 


The PHOX mirrored the VVULF's expression, brows furrowed as the subtle scratch of papers resounds from his side. 



"Owner's plan is ... perfect,"



Chroma says, unable to bring himself to say anything less than perfect at the thought of the mentioned Council Member, but the uneasiness in his voice betrays his words, "but it's too perfect. You're right, we'll definitely need people more than just us. "


"But ... wouldn't Owner be furious if we were to spring this up on her out of nowhere?

Especially asking for another Agency to come with?

What if we do not convince ROON on time?"

"tick ... tock."

time is ticking.


Hound's expression hardens.



"Let's make our own plan then. Our backup plan. We'll ask them to come via another way ... I found a back exit they can go through via the blueprints.



We must lessen the possibilities of us being overwhelmed rather than us overwhelming them."





Is the reply, voice lacking its usual mirth.



"I'll make preparations on my side. I'm here whenever you need help, Hound." 


The two Leaders share a grim expression, before their screens turn black

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