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[C1_4] POSTER.


Today was supposed to be perfect.

Darling held onto Warhog’s arm tightly, staying close to him throughout the entire date. Going on
different rides, letting people watch them enjoy today. The ROON carnival was said to be the bringer of many emotions; From joy to laughter. To silent sorrows and nostalgia.

But this time, it also brought a wave of suspicion and negativity around the corner.

“This has been amazing, Darling.”

The man spoke to her. But Darling only smiled at Warhog as the fireworks ended.




As the little lights in the sky started to disperse, her genuine smile became a much more tired
one. Which immediately gave Warhog concern in his expression.

As soon as she saw the curves of his eyebrows expressing concern,

she spoke up. 

“No no- It was amazing! I really love spending time with you!

It was all I ever wanted to do since I know we were working together-”


She assured him, hugging the flowers he got for her tightly.

She enjoyed today, but now that it was 11 pm, now that the event
was ending...


"Just... Now that the date is ending..."

It was time for her to face the wolf in the room.

“We have to go do our job now.”






A blonde woman went to get one last corn dog before the stores closed.

As she held the stick, she felt a presence watching her. Immediately on alert,

she turned around, checking left and right for someone...something
that was watching her. But there was no one...



Her mind was brought back to reality when she heard her name get called in the crowd.

Hound turns around to see Darling stomping up to her, which made her grip onto her bag lightly.

Something about Darling’s eyes told her she was here for trouble.



She spoke with a small courteous smile and bit into her corn dog.


“What’s wrong?”


“I’ve been watching.”


“Don’t huh me!”

Darling spoke unhappily.


“I saw your Vvulfs taking down posters, doing something suspicious.


Now I know the Carnival ain’t your usual crowd- you guys probably prefer

somewhere ‘cleaner’ or something—


But I don’t buy it that you guys are just cleaning up the place.


What’s going on?”


Hound pursed her lips, looking at the girl with concern. She took a few seconds to process this,
before nervously trying to explain.


“Darling- I’m sorry. It's an order from Owner to do a job for her. We’re just doing our job. But it isn’t
bad or anything okay- we’re not trying to make enemies with ROON”



... Okay, so it’s Owner. Then why didn’t she tell us Roonies about this?”


“I don’t know-“


“Don’t- Don’t say I don’t know. You know. Owner knows. Everyone knows. ROON hates
And right now, this feels like trespassing.

Coming into OUR territory,

Picking up “trash” in our territory,

Then telling the leader of ROON, who should be in the loop about everything, that it ain’t her

I find this offensive.



Hound nervously looks at the younger girl.

Her mouth open to say something but she hesitated.
The taller woman pursed her lips and decided on what sentence she should say next.

But all she can say is;

“I’m sorry Darling, I’m really sorry.

My Vvvulfs and I mean no disrespect to your agency and home.
But I do not have permission to talk about this.


I’ll ask Owner for you”

With that, she turned away and walked off.


Darling stared at the girl as she walked off.

She let out a sigh and turned away. She supposes she would have to take this up with Owner.

With slight hesitation, Darling picked up her phone and dialed...

...but as soon as picked up the phone, the girl only spoke a single line of the question before Owner cut her off and spoke.

“We’ll discuss this another time. I appointed them to do something for me because I have a history
with the agency.”

“I-I understand this, however, I would wish for you to disclose more especially since this is my
agency and home.”

“I understand the concerns, Darling. But I will reveal all in due time. That will be all”

“... Thank you for your time Owner.”

As the phone was put down, she looked at her phone angrily. Her hand shook slightly as she was about to throw her phone, but she didn't. She just let out a sigh.


Darling look up in the sky and took a deep breath.


What was going on?


Why can’t she get into the loop on things?

Was she that incompetent?

What would Tanuki do?



What is Owner doing?







A purple hair man walked quietly down the stairs of the carnival entrance.

Each step he took was heavy, heavy from the weight in his heart, heavy from the weight in his mind.


Seeing his only friend get stolen away by another person ruined him tonight.

And what’s more,

his friend never came back to find him.

Loudmouth let out a sigh as he left first to get out.

As he took another step towards the station, he found his leg stepping on something.


A crumple made him look down at the piece of paper on the floor.

Without hesitation, Loudmouth reached out and picked the paper up.

What... is this?


May we spread our wings.

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