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We have received the Patient.


The patient appears to be a five-year-old girl with the ability to emit tears that causes a victim to fall asleep and lose consciousness. The Patient also has the ability to conjure a sea-animal shaped minion for her use. We cannot confirm if she is able to control the minions or they act on their own free will. 


The Patient has been sent to Tuition for research and improvement. We will document all progress and modify lessons as we go. 


Thank you for handing her over to us,


Signed: Six















A blue-haired woman scanned through the report, smiling gently as she tossed them into a desk drawer. After a moment, she looked at the others in front of her. Two men sat there, one with a calm yet unsettling and cruel glare, the other clearly on the verge of an outburst. 


But Owner only smiled at the pair. 


“My, my, to what do I owe the honor of meeting such esteemed members of the council?”


As soon as she said this, the pink and white haired man growled and pointed. 


“Cut the crap, Owner-” 


He was interrupted by the red head man, who only watched her with an unhappy gaze. Once the pink and white-haired man settled down, the redhead spoke slowly, finally forming a small smile. 


“Owner. We need to talk.” 


“Hey, Mayhem.” 


“Hey? Are you guys ignoring me??”


“No, no, we’re not. We’re just greeting each other.” 


“It’s polite to say hello to your hostess and guests first, is it not, Tanuki?” 



“Tch…” Tanuki growled, pushing his streaks of white and pink back. He looked at the two as they smiled at each other as if they were ready to pick a fight just from the curves of their lips.


Owner, we came to complain about how you’re handling our old agencies.” 


“Your…? Agencies?”


Owner lifted an eyebrow. “I’m sorry if I heard this wrong, but aren’t agencies in X, Y, and Z now under my control? Doesn’t this mean that they are no longer your agencies, Tanuki?” 


As soon as she said that, Tanuki’s eye twitched slightly as if he was ready to leap at the chance of a fight again. Mayhem simply took a puff of his cigarette, blowing out the smoke as he looked at the two. 


“Owner is right, Tanuki. They’re not in our control anymore.” He spoke, looking at Owner. “Rather… I’m more curious about why you keep this information hidden from both of us. The fact that you suddenly decided to have all the agencies working together.” 


“Yeah, why didn’t we get any emails? Memos, or even a fucking TEXT that you were making all the agencies buddy up?” 


Owner smiled on, simply watching the two go on and on about how unhappy they were at the miscommunication. So unhappy about not being informed about this decision. 


“Don’t get me wrong, it was never my intention to keep you two in the dark about this,” Owner began innocently. “I mean.. No one asked.”

“And you didn’t say anything.” Another puff of smoke left Mayhem’s lips as he spoke. 


“We watched the fucking VVULF banquet only to see our PHOXes and ROONs mingling with your fucking DOGS.” Tanuki scowled, standing up and pointing at her. “You didn’t even mention it during our Quarterly Meeting! Do you think Mr. Isiahi will allow you to play like this if he knew about it?” 


Owner only chuckled.

“Oh, Tanuki… You’ve always been so short-tempered. Always ready to shout. Are you afraid that my pups will infect your precious little sister?” 


“...Why you-” 


“Both of you.”


At this point, the room was filled with smoke. Mayhem stared angrily at Tanuki and Owner. That gaze was enough for the pink and white-haired man to slowly lower into the seat again. 


“We don’t have any problem with you trying to make the three agencies bond and all that shit… What we want is proper communication.” Mayhem spoke slowly, continuing on. “Between you, your agencies, and us. We might not be included anymore, but Tanuki and I have left our marks in our cities.


Whatever you think you’re doing, this whole making the cities buddy up…


It may work for now,

but it’s not going to last in the long term.” 


Owner just watched the man as he spoke, maintaining a soft smile. 


“Oh Mayhem. But you see? It did work.”



Owner presented them with each a copy of a finalized report of the recent Sorties. As the two men began reading through it, she explained calmly. 


“We had a total of 71 rescues from Fennec Town. And only one casualty. One. These are numbers we never would have achieved if not for the agencies working together. This is a number the agencies never had before. We’ve always had deaths, but look at how the effort of these three combined makes our numbers so low.”


She then presented a photo of the patient to the two. 


“This patient was a little girl, and guess who apprehended her without a death? A PHOX and a ROON. Both from your respected agencies. Their names are Ginger and Somnia.


Don’t you see it?


Your agencies are working together!


Not because we told them to, but because they have a genuine need to save lives.” 



Owner snapped her fingers and the files disappeared as soon as they were digitized. 



“This… What I'm doing...

This is a good thing.” 



Mayhem and Tanuki looked at each other before looking back at Owner. They both let out long sighs before standing up, Tanuki being the first to leave. But before he exited, he had one other thing to say… 


“You’re too hopeful, Owner. This is only temporary.”


Owner only smiled. She already knew that his doubt meant she already won. 


Her eyes shifted to the scar-riddened Redhead. As their eyes locked, she watched him sized her up one last time.


“Owner, this may look good on paper for now, but if things fuck up…” 



“Don’t underestimate me, Mayhem.” 



The man looked at her once more before turning away.

With that, Owner dealt the final blow.


“Oh, and I truly wished you were at the VVULF Banquet. It was lovely. I’m sorry that both of you were unable to attend. Why was that again?” 


The man stopped in his tracks.

As there were seconds of silence between them, he finally spoke.


“Careful with whom you want to toy with, Owner. You just recently became a council member,


but remember who became a council member first.” 



Mayhem turned to look at her, a threatening,

hateful glare flashing at Owner. 



“Back off or you’ll regret it.”















As the room became quiet again, Owner's smile turns back into a neutral look. She stared at the closed doors, as if waiting for something to happen. Once she was sure that nothing was going to walk through those doors and bother her, she walked back to her desk.


"Men and their petty problems..."

She sat back down and sighed. She was grateful that they only spoke about this. It meant that everything was still in control...

And Owner wants to keep it that way.


As she turned on her monitor, she was greeted with a little surprise.



"Oh, It's already time huh?"

Owner look at the ticket with a loving smile. It was finally their turn to host. Little Racoons, ready to play. She was excited to see what's next... And even more excited when she saw the venue.


This meant.




She'll be able to handle it.



"Little Racoons...

Let's see what we'll catch."






From ashes rises the beginning.

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