"Report on the Pool Party."
"The event went on well" A girl spoke from in front of the desk, reporting everything to Owner. "Although it did cause a lot of chaos for us.... It seems that the friendship between PHOX and VVULF has better improved itself. And... surprisingly, RCOON has attempted to befriend some of the other sides."
"Good. Report on Sorties"
"All Patients were brought in. The city with the most casualty was Y City, Most material losses were in City Z and of course, most complaints are in City X."
"Summaries the report on Agencies from the leaders."
"All three Agencies have been progressing fairly. None of them has once a complaint about the other side, and very rarely have conflict amongst each other."
"Hmm... This is an interesting change of events" Owner spoke, not looking away from her screen as the other continues to report to her. "Meaning that my little experiment is going well...
Your thoughts?"
"I agree. Soon we will be able to have a team of officers that could take care of each other when a Case Alpha occurs."
Owner nodded her head, looking away from her screen to the blonde girl in front of her. She smiles gently, looking at her stiff face. She has something she wants to ask, and Owner could feel it from the beginning of this convo.

The girl instantly spoke out. "Well... Do Mayhem and Tanuki know of this?"
"The plan to get all enemy Agencies as friends? No." She answered, returning her eyes to her screen. "Not now at least. I instructed all current agency leaders to not say a thing-- Since that RCOON leader's brother is Tanuki."
Owner watched as the girl fumbled with her fingers. She nodded her head, once again allowing the girl to express her thoughts.
"W-Will we ever tell them of your plans?"
Owner chuckled.
"One day... But for now, we can't. Not until the details of their improvement are more prominent. Which will be soon anyways" She spoke, eyeing her screen with curiosity. In her email log, there was an email she did not check yet--"

An invitation.
One she was very familiar with.
"Another opportunity has just arrived." She spoke, pulling out her phone. Owner looks at the girl calmly, gesturing her to come over to where she sat.
"We've been invited... Meaning its an opportunity for the other agencies to join too."
The girl walked over to look at the screen. Her eyes widened slightly before she commented.
"PHOX AND RCOON? in a VVULF Banquet?
isn't that social suicide for vvulf?"
Owner tapped on her phone, smiling eagerly.
"Well, they don't have a choice. They have to invite them whether they like it or not."
"Make sure Tanuki and Mayhem are unable to make it for this event. For whatever reason, you can find it. We're going to make sure that we have no disturbances until I get what I want."
We're always watching.