Three leaders were greeted by a wall to wall room of white, large windows stretching up letting the sky enter the room with them. Chroma, Hound, and Darling, The leaders of PHOX, VVULF, and R-COON reluctantly find seats at the table before them, going so far as to scoot their chairs away from each other. Across from them sat a woman, smiling lovingly at the leaders.
“Good day, Leaders. It’s good to see you all again. Shall we begin our meeting?” The woman spoke slowly, sweetly, all the while casually petting one of her many loyal Dobermans, which were sitting by her side.
As they settled down, she watched them carefully.
“Today I would like to discuss your agencies."
The lady pulled out some files from under her desk, placing one file in front of each Leader. But no one touched it yet, waiting for her to explain on.
"There seems to be a long struggle between PHOX, VVULF, and R-COON long since you guys are in control. Dating back to when I was a Rank 1 handling VVULF.... Mayhem and I always fought, believing that it was our old leaders doing, and that was the way of things. And R-COON.... Well, Tanuki simply watched and interfered only when it satisfied him.... Because of this, none of the agencies have ever come to our aid when a Case Alpha occurs..."
There was a moment of silence. It was very obvious that most of the leaders knew what the lady was talking about, and it didn't seem like something they want to ever happen again, for the sake of everyone.
" We’ve experienced many casualties and hardship because of this. Not even the Cleanup Crew can handle the load at this point...
And, I believe this is due to the lack of teamwork and unity between the Agencies.”
The three let her speak, all desperate to say something about what she pointed out. But her eyes lifted up, staring at each of the leaders, not giving them a chance to show her any negative expression. Then a smile curled onto her face before continuing.
“It is time for a change, Leaders.
Starting today, all of your agencies must work together and learn to get along.”
Darling immediately gasped, shock taking over Chroma and Hound’s face as well. They knew it. She was building up to that!
“Wait, you’re kidding right??” Chroma was already about to stand up and refuse this order. “Why do we need to do this ?? We work fine on our own !”
Hound scoffed, glaring at Chroma. “I never thought we VVULFs would EVER have to work with you street animals.”
With that, Darling stood up, slamming her hand on the table.
“We R-COONs will never get involved with the likes of PHOX and VVULF! This is ridiculous!! We don't need to bother ourselves with their stupidity!!!”
"Hah?! Stupidity?? Don't act like you R-COONs don't fool around all the time!!!"
"You VVULFs always act so high and mighty! Don't look down on us!!"
The woman sat there, letting the others air our their grievances. She knew this was going to come as a shock, so she was prepared to sit and let them have their say. Her mind was made up anyways, there was nothing these poor leaders could do. Finally, after giving the Leaders their moments of squabbling, she gently cleared her throat to get their attention again.
“Now, now. . . Leaders. Play nice.”
The room fell into silence for a while, the various Leaders managing to sit down once again. Though now their chairs were even farther apart from each other. The woman smiled, showing no malice or even annoyance in her gaze.
“We are going to change things. If a situation gets worse, it is up to you to work together so we are able to count on all three agencies to work together in order to help. This is a direct order. You will do whatever it takes to make all three agencies work as one.”
This was their new order, and the Leaders knew that no matter how against it they were, they had to honor the order.
"Don't worry... I'll fund your events. Anything you three need to become a less competitive group, I will make sure you can achieve it. So don't let me down, okay?"
With a strong voice, the three of them responded to the lady.
"Yes Owner, we won't let you down."
Owner smiled, leaning back onto her chair.
"You're dismissed. Send in your combined proposal by the end of the week.
May you all do your best."
We've been here since the beginning.